Vergeet de Albert Cuyp, ga naar Central de Abasto

Tenminste, als je in Mexico-City bent. De grootste markt ter wereld: Central de Abasto. Ruim 10x zo groot als de vismarkt in Tokyo, zeker anderhalf keer zo groot als Rungis in Parijs. Of 37x zo groot als Mercato Port Palazzo in Turijn. En 238x de Albert Cuyp.

La Central has its own postcode, its own 700-member police force, and its own border-style entry gates, but during my visit, its enormity truly hit home only when we had to take a taxi to get from flowers to fish. It was a solid fifteen minute ride from one section of the market to another! – Nicola Twilley, The Axis of Food  @ Edible Geography.

(via Kottke)

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